Currently my focus is to help local inner city, urban and suburban neighborhoods, specifically community learning centers, tutoring labs, after school programs, religious institutions and charter schools whom can't seem to bridge traditional learning culture to social media. Our youth must interact with those whom can engage these new learning tools. Yes learning really has become a lifelong journey.
Oversights and missed opportunities to get in step with what's what regarding each schools ability toward understanding and applying the finer aspects of so many brand new emerging learning possibilities must be noticed, confronted and challenged. Incredible innovations in learning reveals at many level today, that anyone can improve their thinking beyond where they are to something much better.
My experience in communicating with many adults at all levels is that many have lost the ability to believe that things can change. Yet, in fact much is changing all around all of us today. And they normally make the mistake of assuming that their knowledge is sufficient. At this point they shut down to absorbing fresh, new, incoming information. Based on their traditional thinking approaches.
If such a person happens to be a school teacher. Then we can surmise that this same wall of resistance is present when she or he teaches in class. And we can also surmise that it won't be the finer aspects of best practice social media. In fact it won't be social media learning much at all.
I can help some portion of adults, even teachers to get beyond this brick wall of resistance. And I strongly believe that we all must confront these realities today. And help as oppose to finger pointing. Our communities should be much more developed. Our citizens grasp of social media can help redirect sagging community attitudes. The world is experiencing dynamic change and we should step up to learn as much as we can in order to reinvent the best that technology has to offer. To do so will require a new way of thinking. A better attitude, and a proactive spirit of asking questions and learning all of the time.
Here's my point! Currently I'm only contacting folks whom I know or those whom Im certain are aware of my community work in technology in the community thru the years. I'm simply asking you to think hard about any learning institutions in your community that is not in step with social media. AND WE KNOW THAT A LOT OF INSTITUTION IN OUR COMMUNITIES ARE NOT THERE YET! IN FACT MANY WON'T EVEN BEGIN THE CONVERSATION. THAT MUST CHANGE!
I can help them start to moving in the right direction. In fact, I'm suggesting that you and those whom you know would benefit from participating in these remarkable social media strategy sessions.
It's going to require you to take more than one reading like you're doing now, in order to appreciate what social media can do for you and yours. If used properly. I can assure you that you will learn far more than you ever dreamed was available. A whole new universe of learning possibilities are appearing daily before us. 2011 is about networking, collaborating, building your tribe, taking action and seeing it thru. Start now!
Call 1-312-532-3594 and let's figure out how we can get started.
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